Springtime Fitness & Online Training!
Springtime & Fitness. Ahhhhhh
I LOVE SPRING! 😊 Once I can smell grass I get cabin fever like crazy.
Tons of reasons for Springtime fitness! Kids are starting new spring sports seasons, moving from indoor squash to outdoor tennis or padel, treadmill to running outside….and then of course there’s always wanting to look good for wearing less in warmer weather.
What I know from 20 years of training is how things typically turn out when people get the spring craze.
1) It’s common to want to get started too late, after the weather has already turned, things are already in motion, and you’ve run out of time to prepare. That happens in sports, general fitness, & any aesthetic pursuits.
2) Spring and summer are when most people have trips planned or go to the shore, and consistency (a vital part of ANY effective exercise program) suffers.
What can I do about that? I already have things planned.
Well, the first one is easy. In my best Dad voice: Stop procrastinating and putting false start and end dates on things. Start right now!
If you think about it honestly, you’ll probably find that you don’t have any real obstacles keeping you from getting started.
The second one is the one that trips people up every single year. It’s very easy to tell yourself that because you’re going to be away for a few weeks and you don’t have a gym to go to, that working out is going to be either too much of a hassle or not effective. Neither of those have to be true!
If you completely stop for two weeks, things will start to creep backwards. You don’t have to always be pushing things forward in a progression the same way you would at home, but you can absolutely maintain your previous gains and be in an infinitely better place when you get back to your regular routine.
Well how does that work??
It’s pretty simple and cool, really. I’m always in favor of in-person training if possible, and virtual training is a good alternative I offer. There is a third option, however, which does NOT require that we both be present at the same time, and that is “online training.”
Wait, how is “online training” different from “virtual training?”
You still get workouts custom programmed for you, communication & feedback from me, and you can do it anytime it fits your schedule.
· Have a full gym to work out in? We can continue whatever progression we were working on.
· Only have a few things available? Simply let me know what you have and I’ll design things to maximize effectiveness.
· Have nothing at all? I’ll give you bodyweight workouts.
· Need to work on flexibility, mobility, or cardio but aren’t sure what to do? I got you.
· If you haven’t been working with me, I’ll evaluate you and build you something for what you want to achieve, using what you have available to you.
Want to come to the gym 3x a week? Awesome, let’s do it. Want to come once, do a virtual one day, and work out on your own the third day? Awesome, let’s set that up. Let’s keep you on track.
How does the online training actually work?
I’m glad you asked, because it’s really easy. I use a program called QuickCoach to send you a digital workout format, that looks like this on your phone:
You just scroll down through the exercises as you do them. There is a short description and/or a button for a video demonstration if you’re unsure what the exercise is or how to do it properly. You tap in your results (i.e. number of reps, etc.), any notes you have (“25# was too much, I did 20”), how you felt about the difficulty, and then hit “submit.”
I get the results, make adjustments to your programming, and have regular text/email/online meeting check-ins to make sure everything is going in the right direction.
But does it really work? Seems impersonal.
That’s what I thought at first, and why I held off from doing it for a long time. However, I’ve seen that the added consistency FAR outweighs any preconceived notions of it not being good enough, and have had positive feedback as far as the user-friendliness.
More than anything, I want to help you find that missing piece that finally gets you the results you plan for every year. Don’t let yourself have the same excuses/reasons why. Be proactive instead of reactive in two simple steps:
1) Get started right now 😊
2) Plan ahead for the obstacles to your consistency that you already know will be there.
Still have questions? Talk to me!
If you’re not sure about all that, if you’re not sure about getting started training in ANY type of way, if you know someone this might work for, if you have kids who want to do sports training but can’t come all the time, I’d love to talk to you about how to get you started with something that will work for your life. You can call me, text me, email me, or if you want to talk face to face, you can click below to schedule a Zoom “consultation”. Let me know how I can help you!